History of A Book Seminar: The Romantic Literary Lecture in Britain (OUP, 2019)
Sarah Zimmerman
Fordham University
"Two Wordsworths: Mountain-climbing, Letter-writing"
Susan J. Wolfson
Princeton University
Romanticism at the Royal Institution
Half-day symposium co-sponsored by the Fordham Romanticism Group, Fordham University, and the London-Paris Romanticism Seminar
Speakers: David Duff, Frank James, Hattie Lloyd, Seamus Perry, Sharon Ruston, Sarah Zimmerman
“Wollstonecraft’s Antigone”
Mary Favret
Johns Hopkins University
The Worlds of John Thelwall
Afternoon Symposium
Speakers: John Bugg, Mark Diachyshyn, Caitlin Girardi, Matthew Leporati, Charles Mahoney, Mary Anne Myers, Kate Scarth,
Michael Scrivener, Judith Thompson, Miriam Wallace, Sarah Zimmerman
History of A Book: Mary Robinson and the Genesis of Romanticism
Ashley Cross
Manhattan College
"Being Critical or Being Nothing: Hazlitt against Legitimacy"
Kevin Gilmartin
California Institute of Technology
"The Evolution of Blake's Myth: Urizen's Multiple Identities"
Sheila Spector
"Keats, Interrupted"
Jonathan MulrooneyCollege of the Holy Cross
Keats-Shelley Association of America: Biennial Symposium
"Romantic Manuscripts in a Digital World"
Opening Remarks: Stuart Curran and Neil Fraistat
Morris Eaves and Rachel Lee: "William Blake's Four Zoas MS: Xediting a Nightmare in Nine-Plus Nights"
Laura Mandell and Lynda Pratt: "Encoding Letters and Mapping Networks in Robert Southey's Letters"
Elizabeth Denlinger, David Brookshire, and Neil Frastat: "Frankenstein Unbound: Mary Shelley Manuscripts in the Shelley-Godwin Archive"
Andrew Stauffer: Roundtable discussion, "Romantic Manuscripts in a Digital World"
"John Keats"
Nicholas Roe
University of St. Andrews
"'However irregular and desultory': Coleridge's Method"
Charles Mahoney
University of Connecticut
"Quaint Allusion and Hazlitt's First Acquaintance with Poets"
Susan J. Wolfson
Princeton University
Keats-Shelley Association of America: Biennial Symposium
Opening Round Table: “1816 as Literary Year”
Stuart Curran, Stephen Behrendt, Sonia Hofkosh, Jerrold Hogle
Manu Chander: “Regency Readers and De Quincey’s Unsocial Sociability”
Suzanne Barnett: “Shelley’s Romantic Paganism”
Mark Kipperman: “Rethinking Regency Literature: the Case of William Cobbett”
Jeanne Moskal: “Owenson, Missionaries, and the Beginning of Regency Literature”
Emily Rohrbach: "'Must the Event Decide?': Regency Histories of the Present, Deferred”
Scott Krawczyk: “Broken Soldiers: Public Bodies and Next-of-Kin Notification”
Rebecca Nesvet: "'From “Realms of Gold' to 'That Imaginary Kingdom': The Prominence of El Dorado and Latin America in Regency Literature”
Michael Scrivener: “Pedlars and Prophets: Jewish Representation in the Regency”
Gary Dyer: “Circulating Poetry in the Regency”
Michael Gamer: “Twenty-Eight Years to Life: Copyright Reform and Regency Authorship”
Charles Mahoney: “Regency Literature? Regency Libel”
Steven Jones: “Graphical Satire in the Regency; or, Putting the Print Back in Print Culture”
"But It's Chess: Two Lives for Academics Beyond the Academy"
Elizabeth C. Denlinger
Curator of the Carl H. Pforzheimer Collection of Shelley and his Circle,
New York Public Library
Doucet Devin Fischer
Editor, Shelley and his Circle 1773-1822
History of A Book Seminar: Constructing Coleridge: The Posthumous Life of the Author
Alan Vardy
Hunter College
"Lyric and Journalism: Wordsworth's Illustrated Books and Newspapers"
Peter Manning
Stony Brook University
"Unusual Suspects, Unlikely Heroes: Pitt's Reign of Terror and the Lost Generation of the 1790s."
Kenneth R. Johnston
Indiana University
Afternoon Symposium: "Romanticism's Cultures of Performance"
Angela Esterhammer (University of Zurich): "Performing Publication and Publishing Performance in 1820s London"
Lawrence Kramer (Fordham University): "The Virtuoso Body; or, the Birth of Musical Performance from the Spirit of Romanticism"
Judith Pascoe (University of Iowa): "Siddon's Sister, or Celebrity Longing"
History of A Book Seminar: Balladeering, Minstrelsy, and the Making of British Romantic Poetry
Maureen McLane
New York University
History of A Book Seminar: The Romantic Literary Lecture in Britain (OUP, 2019)
Sarah Zimmerman
Fordham University
"Two Wordsworths: Mountain-climbing, Letter-writing"
Susan J. Wolfson
Princeton University
Romanticism at the Royal Institution
Half-day symposium co-sponsored by the Fordham Romanticism Group, Fordham University, and the London-Paris Romanticism Seminar
Speakers: David Duff, Frank James, Hattie Lloyd, Seamus Perry, Sharon Ruston, Sarah Zimmerman
“Wollstonecraft’s Antigone”
Mary Favret
Johns Hopkins University
The Worlds of John Thelwall
Afternoon Symposium
Speakers: John Bugg, Mark Diachyshyn, Caitlin Girardi, Matthew Leporati, Charles Mahoney, Mary Anne Myers, Kate Scarth,
Michael Scrivener, Judith Thompson, Miriam Wallace, Sarah Zimmerman
History of A Book: Mary Robinson and the Genesis of Romanticism
Ashley Cross
Manhattan College
"Being Critical or Being Nothing: Hazlitt against Legitimacy"
Kevin Gilmartin
California Institute of Technology
"The Evolution of Blake's Myth: Urizen's Multiple Identities"
Sheila Spector
"Keats, Interrupted"
Jonathan MulrooneyCollege of the Holy Cross
Keats-Shelley Association of America: Biennial Symposium
"Romantic Manuscripts in a Digital World"
Opening Remarks: Stuart Curran and Neil Fraistat
Morris Eaves and Rachel Lee: "William Blake's Four Zoas MS: Xediting a Nightmare in Nine-Plus Nights"
Laura Mandell and Lynda Pratt: "Encoding Letters and Mapping Networks in Robert Southey's Letters"
Elizabeth Denlinger, David Brookshire, and Neil Frastat: "Frankenstein Unbound: Mary Shelley Manuscripts in the Shelley-Godwin Archive"
Andrew Stauffer: Roundtable discussion, "Romantic Manuscripts in a Digital World"
"John Keats"
Nicholas Roe
University of St. Andrews
"'However irregular and desultory': Coleridge's Method"
Charles Mahoney
University of Connecticut
"Quaint Allusion and Hazlitt's First Acquaintance with Poets"
Susan J. Wolfson
Princeton University
Keats-Shelley Association of America: Biennial Symposium
Opening Round Table: “1816 as Literary Year”
Stuart Curran, Stephen Behrendt, Sonia Hofkosh, Jerrold Hogle
Manu Chander: “Regency Readers and De Quincey’s Unsocial Sociability”
Suzanne Barnett: “Shelley’s Romantic Paganism”
Mark Kipperman: “Rethinking Regency Literature: the Case of William Cobbett”
Jeanne Moskal: “Owenson, Missionaries, and the Beginning of Regency Literature”
Emily Rohrbach: "'Must the Event Decide?': Regency Histories of the Present, Deferred”
Scott Krawczyk: “Broken Soldiers: Public Bodies and Next-of-Kin Notification”
Rebecca Nesvet: "'From “Realms of Gold' to 'That Imaginary Kingdom': The Prominence of El Dorado and Latin America in Regency Literature”
Michael Scrivener: “Pedlars and Prophets: Jewish Representation in the Regency”
Gary Dyer: “Circulating Poetry in the Regency”
Michael Gamer: “Twenty-Eight Years to Life: Copyright Reform and Regency Authorship”
Charles Mahoney: “Regency Literature? Regency Libel”
Steven Jones: “Graphical Satire in the Regency; or, Putting the Print Back in Print Culture”
"But It's Chess: Two Lives for Academics Beyond the Academy"
Elizabeth C. Denlinger
Curator of the Carl H. Pforzheimer Collection of Shelley and his Circle,
New York Public Library
Doucet Devin Fischer
Editor, Shelley and his Circle 1773-1822
History of A Book Seminar: Constructing Coleridge: The Posthumous Life of the Author
Alan Vardy
Hunter College
"Lyric and Journalism: Wordsworth's Illustrated Books and Newspapers"
Peter Manning
Stony Brook University
"Unusual Suspects, Unlikely Heroes: Pitt's Reign of Terror and the Lost Generation of the 1790s."
Kenneth R. Johnston
Indiana University
Afternoon Symposium: "Romanticism's Cultures of Performance"
Angela Esterhammer (University of Zurich): "Performing Publication and Publishing Performance in 1820s London"
Lawrence Kramer (Fordham University): "The Virtuoso Body; or, the Birth of Musical Performance from the Spirit of Romanticism"
Judith Pascoe (University of Iowa): "Siddon's Sister, or Celebrity Longing"
History of A Book Seminar: Balladeering, Minstrelsy, and the Making of British Romantic Poetry
Maureen McLane
New York University